My inner struggles as an entrepreneur unveiled

My inner struggles as an entrepreneur unveiled.

I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur.  But am I cut out to be one?

I see entrepreneurs as rugged determined persons with a zeal to keep going on till they make it.  The term makes it may mean different things for different folks.

Making it for one could be to have enough money to live the life of your choice. for others, it could be to have more time to stay with loved ones.  For another, it could mean to be recognized.


For me, what does making it term mean for me?

I think it means that I have found what I love doing and I have turned it into a money-making machine to generate income for me on autopilot.


is it possible to achieve that?

I am on a journey to see what happens. Please follow me as I try to document what I have done and the outcomes.  And the next activity that I am embarking on my journey to making it.

Internet Gurus said that it is possible

The Gurus said that it is possible. Let’s try the experiment.

one thing that I know is that when you want to make progress in life, you get a coach, mentor to guide you.  Trying o get to your destination alone may take longer than you think.

Getting a coach

There is a saying that if you want to go far go alone but if you want to sustain the journey, go in a group.  I only started making a little headway when I started paying for courses.  For it is in the courses that the mentor, the coach will take you by the hand and show you the way.  You need your Moses, the same way that Joshua needed his own Moses. He was able to grow under the tutelage of Moses.

way forward

I am going to get coaches and admit that I need help so that I can go far.


what about you? kindly share your  stories

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