Email Marketing and Its Benefits to your Business


What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a form of marketing that can make the customers on your email list aware of new products, discounts, and other services.

It can also be a softer sell to educate your audience on the value of your brand or keep them engaged between purchases(MailChimp).

Email marketing is a direct marketing channel that lets businesses share new products, sales, and updates with customers on their contact list.

It has a high ROI  which makes it crucial to your business’s overall inbound strategy.

Email marketing

According to Neil Patel, Email marketing is the act of sending promotional messages to people in mass quantities.

It typically is to generate sales or leads and it may contain advertising.

Email Marketing helps you reach out to your customers to showcase what you are working on.

It is a marketing strategy that you must incorporate into your marketing.

Email Marketing is a very powerful tool to grow your business. It helps you to get leads.

It helps you to nurture your leads till they buy from you

You can use it to advertise your products and services without paying for advertisement.

It is a powerful tool for growth in your business.


How it Works

With email marketing, the people on the email list must have given their express permission to be on your list.

This now allows you access to their inbox.  You can send informational emails, promotional emails, announcements, and newsletters to them.

for this to work, you must be on your best behavior in their inboxes.

Also, to have a successful email campaign, you must have carefully crafted email sequences that will be sent out at set times.

Email is the king of the marketing channels.

It returns an ROI of $38 for every dollar spent.

It helps protect your business and helps you to sell more and to your leads when done well.

with email marketing, you own the channels and do not need to worry about the algorithm change.  You own the channel.

You can change from one email software to another. You just move your list one from the other.


There are different email marketing software








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and many more.

How do I set up my email Marketing

For you to set up the email marketing campaign.

You will need the following:

You must have a website

and then set up a lead generation page with a  form on it.  This is to collect leads.

You must have something that you are offering to the leads to make them give you their email address.

This is called a Lead magnet or a sort of bait.

The Lead magnet must be on the subject that will interest the readers. Interesting topics to get them to give their email addresses.

Then you must have a call to action Button in a different contrasting color.

Once you have the lead generation page, connect it to your email marketing software

Then advertise the lead generation page


You can connect with us to set up your Lead generation pages and email marketing campaign. Contact us.



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